Oxford Sale Barn
Special Cow Sale
Tues May 24th 12:00
20 Blk-Red cows with April calves at side 4-10 yrs comp vac program
15 nice Blk 2 yr olds with April calves at side comp vac program#1200
4 nice Red Angus 2 yr olds with April calves at side comp vac program#1200
14 Blk cows with April calves at side 2-8 yrs comp vac program
15 Big Blk cows 4-7 yrs bred Angus bull to calve June-August
6 Blk-Bwf cows 5-7 yrs with April calves at side
6 Blk cows 4-7 yrs with Feb calves at side
2 Big Rwf cow with calves at side
3 Big Blk cows bred Angus bull
1 PB Angus bull 2 yrs old semen tested
2 yrling Angus bulls semen tested
30 Blk strs 2Xvac weaned running out in green cond#475
upcoming special cattle sale
Tues June 7th