Oxford Sale Barn
Cow Sale
Tues April 25 12:00
25 Blk-Red 2-10 yrs old with calves at side
24 Big Fancy Blk 2 yr olds with big calves at side comp vac program
14 Nice Blk 3-6 yrs old with big calves at side comp vac program
10 Fancy Blk 3 yr olds with big calves at side
8 Big Blk cows 2-6 yrs to calve summer and fall
5 Blk cows with calves at side middle aged
3 Blk cows mid age to calve June
1 Blk Sim bull 2 yr old semen tested
1 coming 3 yr old Herf bull semen tested
expecting more cows
upcoming special cattle sale
Tues May 2nd