Oxford Sale Barn
Special Cow Sale
Tues April 9th 12:00
Davidson-20 Fancy quiet H.R. Blk 2yr olds w/end Feb-1st of Mar calves at side comp vac and mineral program
Danner-12 Fancy Blk 2yr olds w/Feb calves at side comp vac and mineral program
Grabin Disp-35 H.R. mostly Blk 4-12yrs bred Double G Angus bulls calving now
2 Double G Angus bulls 3-4 yrs
Hickory Hollow-1 PB Angus bull 4yrs
Holmes-25 Big Blk quiet 5-7yrs w/Feb calves at side comp vac and mineral program
Hogan-20 Big Blk-Red 7-10yrs bred Sim-AngX bull calving now
Ehresman-10 Nice Blk 4-7yrs w/big calves at side
Brown-15 Blk H.R. 3-5yrs to calve June-July
Gerdes-10 Big Blk 2-6yrs w/end Feb born calves comp vac and mineral program
Grunwold-10 Nice Blk 6-10yrs Bred Blk bull calving now
Shalla-8 Big Blk 4-6yrs bred Angus bull to calve end April
8 Blk bulls-hfrs#600-700
Expecting more cows
Upcoming Special Cattle Sale
Tues April 16th