Oxford Sale Barn
Special Bred Cow and Pairs Sale
Tues March 18th 11:00
*** Note Start Time***
Comp Disp of Spring Herd 30:
20 Fancy Quiet Blk few Bwf 2yr olds w/calves at side
10 Blk 3-5yr olds bred Angus or Herf Bulls calving now compl vac and mineral program
15 Big Blk 6-8yrs bred Blk bull to calve April-May
4 Blk-Red Angus 4-5 yrs bred Angus bull to calve April 20th for 50 days comp vac and mineral program
20 Big Blk 3-8yrs bred Lone Oak bulls
8 Big Blk 6yrs on up bred Angus bull
1-2yr Herf Bull
1-2yr Angus Bull Waldridge Angus
Expecting More Cows
Upcoming Special Cattle Sale
Tues March 25