Oxford Sale Barn
Special Bred Heifer and Cow Sale
Tues Jan 31st 12:00
Martins-70 Fancy quiet Blk-Bwf 2 and 3 yr olds A-I bred to proven calving ease Blk bull to calve Feb 25th cleaned up with Angus and Sem-Angus bulls 60 day calving period ultra sound preg and fetus sex checked comp vac program#1200-1400
Portwood Herd Reduct- 50 Big Blk-Bwf 7-8 yrs bred Blk bull to calve March 20th
expecting more cows
Upcoming Special Sales
Tues Feb 7th-Feeder Cattle
Tues Feb 14th-Short Bros Bred Hfrs
Tues Feb 21st-Feeder Cattle