Oxford Sale Barn
Special Cow Sale
Tues Jan 30th 12:00
Martins-65 Fancy Blk 3yr olds bred Sim-AngX bulls to calve Mar 1st for 60 days ultrasound preg checked comp vac and mineral program
Meyer- Comp Disp of Spring Calvers:50 Fancy Blk 3-7yrs bred Van Newkirk Herf bulls to calve Mar 23rd for 70 days comp vac and mineral program
Hogan-15 Big Blk 8-10 yrs bred Blk bulls to calve Feb 20th
Buchell-10 Nice 3yr olds bred Angus bull to calve Mar 15th
McQuilkin-9 Blk 3-5yrs bred Sim-AngX bulls to calve Mar 15th for 90 days comp vac program
expecting more cows
Upcoming Special Cattle Sales
Tues Feb 6th
Tues Feb 20th